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The word mandala is a Sanskrit term, मण्डल, that literally translates as 'disc' or 'circular'.

A mandala can be defined in two ways: externally as a visual representation of the universe or internally as a tool for practices, such as meditation or personal growth.

Mandalas can be painted, drawn or even produced in coloured sand and according to Buddhist scripture mandalas transmit positive energies to the people who view them and the environment around them.

Some mandalas are objects of devotion, especially in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. These devotional mandalas can either have a symbolic palace in the centre of the mandala with four gates oriented to the four quarters of the world or can have a particular deity or group of deities, placed at the centre of the mandala, with other deities placed around the central image.

Mandalas often include circles and  squares and can be drawn precisely using geometrical and symmetrical patterns or in contrast  can be free flowing, organic, asymmetric images.

"A picture is worth a thousand words" is a well known idiom that refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single picture or image.


Speaking or voicing clear intentions through the precise use of words can bring about change on the physical and emotional levels.

Weaving clear intentions into an image or mandala can create a helpful and 'power full' tool that acts as a stimulus for change.

Mandala making can support our sense of well-being, expand our awareness and deepen our connection to ourselves and others. Creating a personal mandala is an integral part of the weekend workshops. Participants really enjoy the quiet, reflective and creative space and many are pleasantly surprised at their personal mandalas.

Below you will find a collection of mandalas. Some have the intention embedded in the image (click on image to find out more).


buddhist mandala.jpg

"The mandala serves the creative purpose of giving expression and form to something that does not yet exist, something new and unique....."

Marie-Louise von Franz

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