Harmonic Growth creates safe, nurturing and relaxing environments where people can explore their true self and feel empowered to examine thought and behavior patterns that no longer serve them. These limiting factors can then be released or changed by setting and voicing positive intentions.
Each session, either with an individual or a group is completely different due to the organic nature of the work. Take a look at some of the sessions below, and please get in touch if you are interested in exploring this form of sound work or have any questions.
​Connecting with your truths and passions
Group sessions can be tailored to fit around availability and specific needs of the group.
If you have a group of 8 or more people and would like a session in your area please get in touch to explore options.
The most popular choices are:-
Sound bath sessions (2-2.5 hours). A good evening activity.
A full day workshop incorporating sound bath and mandala making (7-8 hours).
A weekend exploration of the self with sound bath, nature-connection, chanting and imprinting mandalas with personal intentions. (approx 20 hours or 2 1/2 days)
Opening to a deeper sense of self
One to one sessions are usually held at Anam Cara, however can be arranged in your local area or even at your home if needed. There are three main options available for the sessions:-
a didgeridoo sound bath.
a vocal sound bath using practitioner models from the College of Sound Healing
a tuning fork session as taught by Biofield Tuning
Each session starts with a personal check-in with the client to see what their needs, wants and/or goals are, this is also a good time to let go of the busy-ness of life.
Setting intentions
Setting and voicing clear intentions is a powerful tool that can bring about change with ease. Specific intentions can be woven into personal images (mandalas) through contemplating the intended changes while drawing and colouring. When viewed the mandala instantly triggers a remembering of the intention that is known and recognised by the heart, bypassing the cognitive brain thus supporting the changes and growth.